Setting up clinical research protocols

July 8, 2024 – Setting up clinical research protocols at Pitié-Salpêtrière and Bicêtre Hospitals

Two set-up visits in one day!

At 1 pm, UPSaclay and APHP met at the Cardiovascular and Thoracic Imaging
 to initiate the clinical research protocol on volunteers with moderate
and severe COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) before and after the
administration of a short-term bronchodilator (a-copd-Spiro3D). The volunteer’s
course was then assessed for reversibility and the appropriate sequence of lung
function tests and MRI scans. Located in the heart of the 13th arrondissement of
Paris, La Pitié-Salpêtrière is one of the largest hospital complexes in Europe. It
comprises 90 buildings spread over 33 hectares, with 77 departments grouped
into 10 centres representing all existing medical activities. As some patients may
find it difficult to walk on their own from the pulmonology department with Dr
Pierantonio Laveneziana, Dr Annelyse Nardi, Dr Christian Straus and Dr Thomas
Similowski (R3S) to the radiology department with Dr Alban Redheuil, Dr Samia
Boussouar, Dr Khaoula Bouazizi-Verdier, and radiology technician Cécilia Ty from
the Foundation for Innovation in Cardiometabolism and Nutrition (ICAN),
volunteers will have to be transported.

At 3.30 pm, UPSaclay was at the General Radiology Department of the Bicêtre
Hospital to initiate the clinical research protocol on volunteers with severe
asthma and a planned biotherapy before and after the administration of a short-
term bronchodilator (a-asth-Spiro3D). The volunteer’s path is easier as only a few
stairs separate the General Radiology Department with Dr Olivier Meyrignac, Dr
Maud Crézé and clinical research associate Nadia Ouslimane (1st floor) from both
the Physiology and Functional Studies Department and the Pulmonology and
Critical Care Unit with Dr Antoine Beurnier, Dr Sophia Keddache, Dr David
Montani and Dr Marc Humber (5th floor) in the Broca building. Pulmonary
function tests will therefore be performed before and after the MRI to ensure
correct reversibility ventilation mapping.

Enrolment of the first volunteers is planned for both sites before September!


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