Kick-Off meeting

V|LF-Spiro3D has started!

The Kick-Off meeting was organized by UPSaclay (the project coordinator) online via Zoom Meetings and it was structured as a two half-day event, from the afternoon of February 6th to the afternoon of February 7th, 2023

The Kick-Off Meeting has been the first general meeting of the V|LF-Spiro3D Project and it focused on launching the project, coordinating workflows across and within WPs, and defining the framework, steps and actions to be taken in order to achieve its objectives. The meeting specifically served and was successful in the following purposes: 

  • Presenting the Project’s overview to all parties and team members involved.
  • Introducing partners and team members of the Project, as well as establishing lines of communication.
  • Learning from the UPSaclay project management team on financial and operational issues of the Project and on the Project monitoring/evaluation workflow.
  • Establishing the project objectives, tasks, and WPs, along with the tasks, activities and deliverables for the first period of the Project.
  • Informing about the project governance and collectively deciding upon the different project boards.

To cope with the distance and the intense schedule, a set of 8 presentations had been pre-recorded by UPSaclay and then sent to every member so that they could get ready and prepare questions in advance. In addition, also the presentation materials had been collected from all partners prior to the kickoff meeting and sent to all the attendees. 

From April 1st each partner is involved in the project’s operation to reach monthly deliverables and reach the V|LF-Spiro3D’s objectives.


Things happening