

3D MR spirometry in healthy adults against gravity and reversibility

Leading partner


Work Package




30 healthy adults (15 women and 15 men) will be recruited to undergo spirometry and 3D MR spirometry, on the same day, before and after BD reversibility test (inhalation of short-acting β2-sympathomimetics BD such as salbutamol)


  1.  Validate 3D MR spirometry against standard spirometry in healthy subjects
  2. Assess the sensitivity of 3D MR spirometry to prone and supine position
  3. Assess the regional lung structural and functional changes with prone and supine positions using 3D MR spirometry
  4. Evaluate the regional lung mechanics with respect to prone and supine positions using 3D MR spirometry
  5. Assess the sensitivity of 3D MR spirometry to bronchodilator (BD) responsiveness of healthy patients
  6. Establish reference flow-volume loop maps in healthy subjects with 3D MR spirometry


All included subjects will have spirometry at Bicêtre Hospital and 3D MR spirometry at Service Hospitalier Frédéric Joliot performed the same day. MRI scans will be acquired using a MR compatible spirometer for reference. Spirometry will be performed in two positions (sitting and supine) and over three types of respiration (spontaneous, slow, and forced).
3D MR spirometry will be performed on a 3 T PET-MR imaging system (GE Healthcare) at Service Hospitalier Frédéric Joliot. Subjects will breath freely in prone and supine positions for 2 MR acquisitions. Dynamic 3D lung images will be reconstructed (WP1) and processed (WP2) by UPSaclay to primarily provide maps of flow-volume loops and maps of fractional anisotropy strain metric.

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